May 28, 2012
Grant Lawrence Hosts The Wild Side This Summer on CBC Radio 1
Last year you may have caught a holiday special I did on CBC Radio 1 all about animal encounters in the wild. It was called The Wild Side and it aired on both the Victoria Day Long Weekend and the Labour Day Long Weekend.
I’m happy to announce that The Wild Side has been expanded to an entire summer series for 2012. Starting the last week of June and running to the last week of August, The Wild Side will air on Tuesday mornings at 11:30am immediately following Q, and then again on Friday evenings at 7:30pm immediately following As It Happens.
As always, I want to include YOU in the show.
Essentially, we’re looking for Canadian wilderness stories involving you: survival stories, animal encounters, mishaps, special experiences, or conquests, be there humourous, treacherous, deadly, happy, sad or otherwise. The wilderness can be forest, ocean, lake, desert, mountains, river, prairie, tundra, pretty much anywhere OUTSIDE of our cities and towns.
Did you see a moose running down Bay Street? That doesn’t count. Did you wake up to find a moose in your tent? That counts! Took a three hour hike which turned into three days? Got almost eaten alive by leeches when attempting to swim across a lake? Let me know your story by emailing me:, or you can post your story to the Wild Side facebook wall. All creatures great and small, all adventures great and small, all stories great and small, as long as it involves you and the wilderness, I want to hear about it.
You can also like the show on Facebook and follow the show on Twitter.
Thanks, and see you on the Wild Side this summer on CBC Radio 1!
Here’s my touring schedule for the summer, hope to see you somewhere!
Also, a special thanks to all those who packed all the venues for my Kootenay book tour this spring, I had an awesome time. Thanks to the Kootenay Library Federation for hosting me. I also just had a fun time at a sold out unique literary event on Cortes Island (oh so close to Desolation Sound) called Authors, Seafood and Ale. I hope to do a similar event in Lund BC soon!
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