December 2, 2010
Adventures in Solitude Home Movies #7
Hey folks! Just got back from another swing through the grand prairies, this time to Winnipeg where we held the Adventures in Solitude Winnipeg launch at an amazing book store called McNally Robinson on Grey Cup Sunday. There was a great turnout for the reading, which was again an audience that was a cross-section of my life… family members (Lawrences and Barbers), musicians (the Weakerthans, Novillero, and Del Barber, who performed two great songs), CBC Radio 1 friends (DNTO), neighbours from Desolation Sound (the Harpers) and CBC Radio 3 friends / fans (Pat, Devin, MakenzieC, SChappelaz, Shonica and more).
Thanks also to Pat for throwing a party last Saturday night, complete with “pot butter”… actual butter, that was green, filled with marijuana, that caused more than a few people to start reciting Doors lyrics and generally freak right out after just a few slabs.
I love the Prairies!
Swimming sandals?
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